This tool allows to search for specific fixtures in the entire Avolites Fixture Library. However since the search goes just by DMX channel layout, you might find this tool useful even if you don't run an Avolites lighting console. Essentially, the current Fixture Library is frequently parsed into a database, which then is searched for the information you need. The very search may comprise of different parts, which are described as follows, and which are concatenated by a logaical 'AND'.
Model, Manufacturer
lets you search for parts of the manufacturer or model name. Search is only performed if the
search string is at least 2 characters long. If no string is given then this part of the
search is omitted.
Channels [</=/>] ... and ... cells
lets you search for fixtures with less than/exactly/more than x DMX channels, and a particular
number of cells. Again, these searches are only being performed if values are given - thus,
simply leave the fields empty if you don't want this part of the search.
With ... on channel ...
This is probably the most powerful search part: you can search for fixtures with specific
attributes on any or on a specific channel. The attribute is defined by its attribute id,
and a fuzzy search is performed. E.g. a search for 'Red' will also match 'Red1', and a search
for 'Colour' will also match 'Colour_Macro'
Most common attributes like Dimmer, Shutter, Pan, Tilt etc. will appear in a dropdown list (depending on your browser) to be selected by a single click. You may however enter any attribute which is not in the list by typing its name. That browser thing also holds true when calling the Finder from Facebook because then usually links are opened in the Facebook Mobile Browser which doesn't support this feature. Instead copy the link and open it in your external browser or change the settings of your Facebook app.
Please know that virtual attributes (e.g. virtual dimmers, or conveniece attributes like 'Colour_Func'), are not in the database, and thus cannot be searched for.
While attribute ids are a specific Avolites thing, usually they are closely related to the very attribute name - and most likely a search for 'Dimmer', 'Pan', 'Red' or 'Gobo' will already reveal the items you are looking for. You may at first search for some 'safe bets', open the fixture in the result view, and get an impression how attribute ids may be like.
16bit attributes are stored as two channels with the same attribute id. E.g. a fixture with 16bit pan at channels at 1 and 3 will be in the resultset with a search for 'with pan on channel 1' and 'with pan on channel 3'.
The last checkbox 'Capture-ready?' tells the Finder to specifically look for modes which will be displayed in the internal Capture visualiser.
If a search has been successfully performed, the results are displayed in a table. You'll find
the manufacturer, model, mode name, number of channels, number of cells, and the filename. If
you click on the filename, then another window will appear, showing the channels in this very mode.
Next to the filename is a 'View' and a 'Download' link: 'View' opens the file in a new browser tab while
'Download' directly downloads the file.
Here is a real world example. Say we have an unknown fixture where we only know the channel layout:
1 - Pan Coarse, 2 - Tilt Coarse, 3 - Strobe, 4 - Dimmer, 5 - Colour Macros, 6 - Red, 7 - Green,
8 - Blue, 9 - Auto, 10 - Pan Fine, 11 - Tilt Fine.
A search for fixtures with 11 channels and Pan on channel 1 looks like this:
Search fixtures, based on channel definitions.
Fixtures are searched from the latest Avolites Personality Library
(last import: 06.02.25 10:13:12 UTC, 18295 files imported)